Corps’ newest embassy guards take their posts
MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. — After weeks of on-going training, Class 1-09 gathered as the newest Marine Security Guards at their graduation ceremony Friday at Little Hall.
12/12/2008 By Lance Cpl. Meloney R. Moses, Marine Corps Base Quantico
The class began with 120 Marines, and graduated with 98 watch standers and nine detachment commanders.
“These are the Marines that are going to be guarding material crucial to the U.S.,” said Master Sgt. Christopher McNeely, the chief instructor of the MSG School. “It’s gratifying to see the product of what I’ve labored to create. It really strikes home with me when I present the class.”
While awaiting orders to their posts, the Marines will take follow-on classes to help familiarize them with the countries they’ve been assigned and the services available to them at those posts, explained Maj. David McCombs, officer in charge of the MSG School.
“Their expectations are as varied as the countries they’re going to,” said McNeely.
“Some will have very little, if any, culture shock.”
After leaving the MSG School, Marines will check into posts all over the world.
It’s not that different from checking into any other duty station said McNeely.
Even after the graduates leave, MSG instructors continue to refine the process.
While the new embassy guards move on to their duty assignments, MSG instructors train to become more proficient.
McCombs explained that the instructors review the course curriculum and make adjustments based on the instructor rating forms filled out by the former students.
They also spend one week performing department of state room entry tactics to help enhance their skills.
We have to continue to “train the trainer” stated McCombs.
After a bit of training and a short vacation the instructors go right back to work in January picking up with the next group of aspiring embassy guards.
For more information about the MSG school, contact Gunnery Sgt. Drew Pate at or call 703-784-4861.
Editor’s note: This is the final article of a six-part series. You can view the series online at
1. Marines begin security guard training
2. Future Marine Security Guards train in defense
3. MSG Marines take training to the range
4. Locate, Isolate, Contain: MSG students learn room entry, clearing
5. Knowledge projected, information received